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Evangelical Life Ministries
Evangelical Life Ministries (ELM) believes the Christian Church has a powerful soul saving and rescuing message, and the media market-place should be used as a forum for bringing this message to others.
Enjoy Christian Talk Radio on your time
What would your congregation look like if it grew dramatically, adding members by over 10% every year? Your congregation would look like a special movement of God’s Spirit and His grace! The Rev. Shauen Trump is Regional Director for Africa with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (https://www.lcms.org/how-we-serve/international-mission). He and other LCMS missionaries work to serve,...
Listen as host Bill Prewitt welcomes Pastor Dave Welch, the founder and CEO of the U.S. Pastor Council, as he describes his organization’s AMERICA plan to help pastors energize their congregations to carry the Gospel beyond the church doors and take an active Christian role in civic affairs.
With the start of each new year, many people take stock of their life and its direction. What is it about a new year that makes us want to start over or be better? What can we do to strengthen our relationships in the new year? Giving us some important new year encouragement is the...
Dear Pastor Schultz,
Thank you so much for sending us the heads up about this interview. It was a GREAT PROGRAM last night! That couple is very unusual - so special - in the way they think and feel about the murder of their daughter. They have truly blessed so many lives and continue to do so - but it must be very hard. Only with God's strength could they witness the way they do - they are "leaning on the everlasting arms" every minute. Your questions for them were excellent - pinpointing certain areas about their feelings and response to the remarks of friends at the time of Victoria's murder.
I called my friend to tell her about this program. As you probably know, her only daughter was murdered - really wasn't sure whether or not to tell her - but after a little quick prayer, I took the risk and called her. She was very receptive and pleased that I had told her about your program and the subject for last night. Thanks again for your concern and care for all of us! We're so blessed to have you here.

Responses to Burl Cain show - 9-18-2011:
Thanks so much, Pastor Schultz, for sharing this announcement with me. So enjoyed your discussion last night. I really enjoyed your talk with Greg Koch several weeks back. I sent the link to Matt at Texas State. It’s so important for these young guys to realize how easy it is to stray from your roots – and so important for them to know there are consequences. Blessings to you and your family.
Great broadcast last night! The warden has surely found the secret to true rehabilitation and restoration.

What an awesome talk on the Holy Spirit, Ken! Nicely done - I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit during your talk. I feel that presence in my life daily though I have met people who claim they never do. And I believe like you said it has to do with expectations of what that is supposed to be like. I called up several people today to suggest that they tune in tonight.
Have you been a guest on ELM before or was this the 1st time? I'll bet you get asked back! It was a great hour. I felt very moved to stay home & listen tonight and am glad I did. Now I've got to head out and at least make an appearance at the dinner get together this evening.
I've passed on several of your blogs that I've read via FB to my 25-yr-old daughter who lives in D.C. We both agree you are a very gifted writer. And I'll add to that, that you are a gifted speaker as well.

A little over a year ago, through illness and hurricane damage I was forced to make a major life change. Making it alone – moving into a retirement community - was very traumatic. This past year has been one of efforts to accept this new life – was it my decision – or God working in my life? I had choices.
I found myself in a community special and rate relationships. Among them, Pastor David Schultz, who introduced his Sunday evening radio interview program, Engaging Truth. His questions of varied subjects were thoughtful and insightful and all the while his guests responding with stories of their faith and relationship with God; the significance of hope; the acceptance of trust in God.
By hearing these messages at that time on a Sunday evening when I am alone, I know I am not alone and am strengthened by the way God works in my life. In Christ, I can do all things!