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Evangelical Life Ministries

Evangelical Life Ministries (ELM) believes the Christian Church has a powerful soul saving and rescuing message, and the media market-place should be used as a forum for bringing this message to others.


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At the site of a tragedy, when the first responders are gone, who arrives to help the hurting? The nationally famous LCC Comfort Dogs! The highly trained Golden Retrievers have a gift for empathy and serve as a bridge between the hurting and human counselors. There are also “Hearts of Mercy,” crosses that people write...
Pastor Tim Ahlman entered the Office of the Holy Ministry through a traditional path: his great-grandfather, his grandfather and his father were LCMS pastors. However, through formal study, and through years of experience serving as a congregational pastor, Pastor Ahlman has discovered that there are many ways in which the risen Lord Jesus calls workers...
The need is indeed great and God is directing people to answer His call to serve. Most of us have heard about supply and demand. Right now, most Christian denominations are trying hard to keep up with the demand for more church workers. “Set Apart to Serve” is one program that is showing results in the...


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